Don’t throw the leader to the curb – they are not garbage! They are not criminals!

Why is it that so many organizations….especially the boards of non-profits…..feel that when it’s time to make a change with the executive leadership, they literally toss the person to the curb? When faced with the desire or perhaps the need to make a change, rather than handle the transition with grace, dignity and professionalism, an Read More …

Why Good Marketing Research Matters!

This is a lesson we can learn from our colleagues in the for-profit world where they embrace marketing research. Far too often, non-profits do not allocate the appropriate financial resources for good marketing research. Some feel that by conducting the occasional “Survey Monkey” they have fulfilled the need to learn more about one’s audience, patrons Read More …

Why Not for Profits SHOULD Pay employees better!

I’m not sure when the dangerous trend started that gave credence to the belief that non-profit organizations should pay poverty wages. Having successfully run non-profit performing arts organizations for over thirty years, I can attest to the benefit gained, output generated and overall improvement in morale when competitive wages and benefits are offered to employees. Read More …